How to reach conqueror in pubg mobile in season 19.
- I will give you a step-by-step guide to reach conqueror in pubg mobile.
- To get the conqueror title, you have to put effort and patience you need to read the full article and feel free to drop a comment and I will give you feedback.
PUBG Mobile is going to launch their new season on 17th May, The new season comes with a new Elite royal pass and resets ranking for players, It is known that each and every player will start to push rank as soon as possible to get the conqueror title in pubg mobile, but the reality is that players stop rank pushing or they get demotivated and stop pushing rank due to back to back minus or not getting plus in higher tiers. In this article, I will show you how to reach conqueror and how I reached conqueror in season 18 SOLO (FPP) so you will reach conqueror in 12 or 15 days.
Here is the step-by-step how to reach a conqueror, also I give my suggestions on how I get conqueror in SOLO (FPP) These steps can also be applied in Duo or Squad.
- First of all, you have to decide Which mode you are going to play i.e solo, duo, or squad also in FPP or TPP. In season 18 I started playing in SOLO (FPP) mode and reached conqueror within 15 days.
- After deciding which model you are going to play you need to have a landing location so you can get guns and health items for survival. In my rank push journey, I used to land in the backside of mylta where the big blue barn house is after looting the barn house I will try to find a vehicle and loot small houses near the backside of mylta.
- When you are landing at your location always look around and make sure no one is in that area so don't need to have a gunfight.
- When it comes to loot always loot more bandages and health items and have less ammo, I used to have at least 50 bandages and first aid and medkits to survive in health.
- After looting you need to move to a zone it is best that you don't go in a safe zone until the 5th blue zone shrinks. In my rank push, I used to wait outside of the zone until the 5th zone starts to shrink. if you are so long from the 4th zone the damage is 5 health if you are closer to the safe zone the damage is 3 so you can easily have first aid and wait outside the zone.
- After the 5th zone shrinks you need to be in the safe zone otherwise you are dead, after surviving till the 5th zone make sure you are in the top 10, and look for kills because you need to have at least 4 or 5 kills to get a decent plus point.
- It is easy to reach to diamond tier but when you come to the crown it is very hard to get plus points just make sure you wait until the 5th zone starts to shrink and then go inside the zone otherwise someone will kill you waiting inside the zone so always keep looking.
- To reach conqueror you need to reach ACE and ace requires 4200 after reaching ace you need to make sure you are ranked top 500 and in the next morning, you will reach conqueror.
- I reached conqueror in 15 days, in crown 2 I did not get any plus pint after playing for 4 hours but I won't stop and I made it to the conqueror.
- here is my ranking before reaching conqueror.
You have to wait for unill the next morning to get conqueror and it will show that you are in conqueror.
- After reaching conqueror play 5 matches to get the conqueror frame, and in the next season you will get the title when the season starts, I will get my title in season 19.
- You can also apply these steps in duo or squad mode the reach conqueror .
Make sure to follow my blog on pubg mobile and battlegrounds mobile India news.
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